With final exams right around the corner, you may be wondering how to best support your student. For some students, final exams bring extra stress due to late nights, increased workload and lack of self-care or an additional layer on top of that – test anxiety.
Having some anxiety and nervousness before an exam is normal, according to research by Mayo Clinic. Here are some strategies that may help your student:
- Study early and in similar places. Encourage your student to break down their studying into smaller, more manageable chunks. We have some great study spots, from lounges in the Memorial Student Center to quiet spaces in the University Library.
- Talk to their professors. Your student can connect with their professors ahead of time and make sure they understand what material will be covered on an exam.
- Learn relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and positive image visualization are all strategies that can help relax and calm the mind and body. The Zen Zone in the Counseling Center is a free space for students to relax.

- Eat well and drink plenty of fluids. We all know this is important, but often don’t give it the attention it deserves. Encourage your student to slow down and eat well.
- Get exercise and catch some zzz's. This is especially important on exam day and the night before. Even just a brisk walk can help release tension.
- Don’t ignore a learning disability. If your student has a learning disability, they can connect with Disability Services for the support and accommodations they need.
- Talk with a licensed counselor. Our team of counselors are here and offer free support to students. Encourage your student to set up an appointment if they need help working through their anxiety.
Using some of these strategies can help make exams go a little smoother. We know your student has worked hard this semester. They can reach out to a staff or faculty member they trust – we’ll help connect and support them every step of the way!